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is an open-source Learning Management System (LMS) used to create online, interactive courses. Moodle can be accessed through the portal.

Moodle Helpdesk

Library 211
(318) 342-5050


lock down iconlock down browser

Respondus LockDown Browser is required by some instructors for exams and quizzes.


Open LMS MobileApp

The Moodle Mobile app is available for free from听听and the听.听To explore the features available in the听Open LMS Mobile听App, as well as how to听download and start enjoying, please read this听

FAQ for Students

What if my course(s) aren鈥檛 showing?

If the term has not started, your instructor may not have the class available to students yet. However, if classes have started and you are still unable to see your course(s), check Banner to ensure you are registered for the class. If you are not registered, contact the Registrar鈥檚 Office. If you are registered for the class, contact the Moodle Helpdesk.

How do I stop forum posts from sending me an email every time someone posts?

From your moodle account, click on your profile in the upper right corner and choose听Preferences.听

In the听Forum Preferences听section, under听Forum auto-subscribe, choose听No: don鈥檛 automatically subscribe me to forum discussions.

This will prevent you from getting email notifications for posts that others make in the forum but you will continue getting notifications for posts you make.